Brian Ting

Painting With My Camera

Brian Ting
Painting With My Camera

Meet Kenneth, a 22 year old wedding photographer from Perth, Western Australia.

Kenneth’s first foray into photography was with his mum’s camera, a Canon 1000D. Photography was a completely new experience to him, and the novelty of owning a camera stuck with him.

Moving on from taking photos in his backyard, he took additional classes in high school with vintage film cameras. In an age where instant digital photos are the norm, Kenneth found it extremely satisfying being able to see photos developing before his very eyes. Additionally it taught him the importance of patience, and appreciation for pacing himself when taking photos.

Kenneth explained that he got his start in wedding photography by working alongside a family friend, Keegan. It was this experience that sparked a newfound interest in wedding photography.

When asked why he enjoyed and appreciated wedding photography, he shared that

“…I find it more fulfilling being there to capture the special moments of a couple’s special day as it unfolds. You are right on the front lines and given the important task of documenting all the emotion, intimacy, and moments shared between them. In years to come, it will be these photos that the couple will have to relive their special day.”

In the past two years, Kenneth has worked as an assistant at numerous weddings, and photographed just under 10 weddings by himself.

When prompted to describe his style, Kenneth shared that he was a relaxed documentary photographer. When asked why he chose this style, he stated that:

“I’m a shy guy by nature, I enjoy sitting back and watching things happen.”

Kenneth’s documentary approach to weddings allows him to capture genuine moments on the day and craft a story from the experiences of the couple. His photos reflect this story-telling style, as they capture the essence of the day whilst allowing a viewer to follow along and feel as if they were there themselves watching the events unfold. Kenneth shared that the best moments happen when the couple is completely comfortable and showing their affection and love.

On the question of important traits a wedding photographer should have, he stated that it was patience and perseverance.

“When weddings don’t go according to plan, you have to be patient with the couple, and persevere to ensure that the rest of the day goes smoothly and that they’ll remember the day for all the right reasons.”

When asked where Kenneth drew his inspiration from, and what influences hims as a wedding photographer, Kenneth stated it was two wedding photographers from Perth that he works with; Keegan and Jeff.

“…Keegan for his effortless ability to ‘document’ the day as he sees it, as well as his work ethic. And Jeff, for his attention to super fine detail and creativity to view things in a new light…”

To recharge and take a break from wedding photography, Kenneth stated that he loves to travel and use it as a source of inspiration. When we interviewed him, he was in the process of spending a month travelling throughout Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan. In his free time, Kenneth plays the drums too, and has been doing so for almost ten years, leading him to form a band with friends.

Concluding the interview, we asked Kenneth what he would like to see himself doing in the future. He explained that he would love the opportunity to travel to India, or back to Europe. His dream is to one day find the intersect of these two interests, and work as an international travelling wedding photographer.


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