Brian Ting


Brian Ting

EONIQ Stories presents:

Shiren Ho

Being young and excelling in the field of advertising, Shiren's choice to leave a stable job came as a big surprise to everyone around her. "They told me 'Oh, you shouldn't do that because you have a career ahead of you.'", she recalled her colleagues advising her. But despite the risk, Shiren decided it would be worth it in the long run to follow her passions. 


Today, she is working on her third album which is composed of mostly original songs. When she's not singing or playing the ukelele, Shiren also enjoys interior designing for Starbucks, something she was always passionate about since childhood. 

As great as the situation sounds, it was not always an easy road for the singer song-writer. According to her, one of the hardest things was to see her friends progressing in their careers while hers was only beginning. And although she loved working in the ad firm, the busy work schedule didn’t allow her to do what she truly loved which is creating. So she decided to take that big first step.

"It's not easy leaving something you're comfortable with but I just think about what I could be losing in the long term."

To Shiren, life is more than just work and much more than the present situation we see ourselves in. She believes that if she didn't choose to chase her passions, she would be losing a chance at a life she really wanted in the long run. When asked for what advice for people who want to take the risk to pursue something different, she says “Think long term.” She goes on about how we can get too caught up in our present situation and end up only living life to meet our current financial obligations and worries. 

Instead, she chose to start looking for the things she loved to live for and found herself on a path pursuing singing and interior designing. With her raw talent in the two fields, it was a natural shift for the singer but in order to reach her full potential, she had to learn the basics. So she taught herself to play the ukulele and enrolled in interior design courses. With hard work and dedication, Shiren can now confidently say "I don't regret anything."


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